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Universal Money Supply

You have found the Book of Millionaires

Welcome to the book of millionaires.
For the first time ever the book is online for any student of the law of attraction to use.
No longer is the book only for a select few. If you have been held back, visualizations failed, manifestations becoming more difficult, having great ideas but nothing works correctly, or having a hard time believing in the reality you want to create, this is the secret that millions have used to solidify their path.

Please read the entire contents of this page before registering

Why is the
now online?

For the first time, the official Book of Millionaires is online.

This was made a necessity due to the universal imbalance of money and wealth.
Abundance is always meant to be for all. But over the past 20 years there have been a great shift and the wealth gap continues to grow larger.
some of this is avoidable and results for lack of access.

The Goal of the Book of Millionaires now is to register 1 million people who would not normally have access to register.
We have been tasked with restoring the wealth balance accross the world.


How does the

For the first time, the official Book of Millionaires is online.

This was made a necessity due to the universal imbalance of money and wealth.
Abundance is always meant to be for all. But over the past 20 years there have been a great shift and the wealth gap continues to grow larger.
some of this is avoidable and results for lack of access.

The Goal of the Book of Millionaires now is to register 1 million people who would not normally have access to register.
We have been tasked with restoring the wealth balance accross the world.


We are adding 1 million millionaires

Before You Register

Agree to these rules

1 Book of Millionaires is Invite Only

2 Never Share the Book on social media to the public

3 You may invite up to 5 people to register

4 Maecenas eget

1 Affirmations are for registered members only

2 You affirm daily for yourself and all members

3 You visualize daily for yourself and all members

4 All members are your universal brothers and sisters

Universal Attraction
Law of Attraction

You are here on this page because you attracted this book. If it were not meant to be, you would never have arrived here

World Population

Almost 8 Billion people in the world

current millionaires

Currently there are 46.8 millionaires in the world 2021

How Does The Universe Know Your Destination?
Your Path Is Now Solidified

It was never your fault

You didn't know about the book because you were never supposed to know. The Book of Millionaires is passed on. It was never supposed to reach the average person, but things have changed and its about time

If you are here, its because you were invited, you will never see the Book of Millionaires advertised. The Law of Attraction states that you will attract that which you are in harmony with. If you were meant to be a millionaire, you were going to be in the book one way or another.

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Future Millionaires

Are You Ready to Become A Part of History?

Future Millionaires Registration $20 Current Millionaire Registration $999